
This is a list of published journal articles, chapters, reports, editorials, and commentaries (authored/co-authored/contributed) by UEinfo

Popular visits

  • A primer on air quality of management (2008)
  • A primer on pollution source apportionment (version 2011)
  • A resource blog for emissions and pollution analysis in India (2020)
  • A primer on air pollution monitoring (2023) [English]  [Hindi]  [Telugu] [Chinese]  [Spanish]
    Unedited versions [Bengali] [Marathi] [Punjabi] (appreciate an email on mistranslations)
  • A primer on know your air pollutants (2023)
  • A primer on ABC’s of air quality (2024)
  • A primer on pollution source apportionment (version 2024)
  • A resource blog on what is particulate matter – frequently asked questions (2024)
  • Beginners handbook on assembly air pollution models [download]
Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution
Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution Publications by Urban Emissions on Air Pollution

Journal Articles

Mapping PM2.5 Sources and Emission Management Options for Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Journal Article in Air (2024) Download
[Repository of emissions and pollution modeling results and other support material @ zenodo]

Spatial and temporal variation of cooking-emitted particles in distinct zones using scanning mobility particle sizer and a network of low-cost sensors
Journal Article in Indoor Environments (2024) Download

Why communicating air quality information in the simplest form gets more people to understand and get involved in the fight against air pollution
Journal Article in Geoscience Communication Discussions (2024)

Designating Airsheds in India for Urban and Regional Air Quality Management
Journal Article in Air (2024) Download
[Summary presentation download]
[Repository of all the GIS, pollution, and population databases @ zenodo]

Vehicle Stock Numbers and Survival Functions for On-road Exhaust Emissions Analysis in India: 1993-2018
Journal Article in Sustainability (2024) Download
[Repository of vehicle stock numbers and supporting information @ zenodo]

Fuel Station Survey (FuSS) to Profile In-Use Vehicle Characteristics for a City’s Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Inventory
Preprint (2024)
[Repository of support material to carry out the survey @ zenodo]

Modelling Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Source Contributions for Air Pollution Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Preprints (2024)
[Repository of emissions and pollution modeling results and other support material @ zenodo]

Near-Automated Estimate of City Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Applied to South and Southeast Asia
Preprints (2024)

What Is Polluting Delhi’s Air? A Review from 1990 to 2022
Journal Article in Sustainability (2023) Download
[Supplementary data access:]

An environmental justice analysis of air pollution in India
Journal Article in Nature Scientific Reports (2023) Download

Plugging the ambient air monitoring gaps in India’s national clean air programme (NCAP) airsheds
Journal Article in Atmospheric Environment (2023) Download
[Review of NCAP action plans (2020): here]
[Download designated airsheds and more: here]
[Animation of airshed and monitoring needs information: here]

Towards Scalable Identification of Brick Kilns from Satellite Imagery with Active Learning
Conference Paper from NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World Download

Evolution of India’s PM2.5 Pollution Between 1998 and 2020 Using Global Reanalysis Fields Coupled with Satellite Observations and Fuel Consumption Patterns
Journal Article in Environmental Science: Atmospheres (2022) Download
[Supplementary data access:]
[Additional information, animations, and data files: here]

Systematizing the approach to air quality measurement and analysis in low and middle income countries
Journal Article in Environmental Research Letters (2022) Download

Elucidating the Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality and Ozone Chemical Characteristics in India
Journal Article in Environmental Science: Atmospheres (2022) Download

Health modelling of transport in low-and-middle income countries: A case study of New Delhi, India
Journal Article in Active Travel Studies (2022) Download

Big Data Resources to Support Research Opportunities on Air Pollution Analysis in India
Conference Paper in Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, Vol. 13248) Download

Samachar: Print News Media on Air Pollution in India
Conference Paper in Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS, 2022) Proceedings Download
[More on GitHub repository]

The Mortality Impacts of Current and Planned Coal-Fired Power Plants in India
Journal Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021) Download

The Health Impacts of Coal-Fired Power Plants in India and the Co-Benefits of GHG Reductions
Journal Article in AEA Papers and Proceedings (2021) Download

Vartalaap: What Drives #AirQuality Discussions: Politics, Pollution or Pseudo-science?
Journal Article in Proceeding of the ACM on Human-Computer Interactions (2021) Download

Improving regional air quality predictions in the Indo-Gangetic Plain – Case study of an intensive pollution episode in November 2017
Journal article in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2021) Download

Health and economic impact of air pollution in the states of India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Journal Article in the Lancet Planetary Health (2020) Download

National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) for Indian cities: Review and outlook of clean air action plans
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2020) Download
[More on NCAP program]

Can we vacuum our air pollution problem using smog towers?
Journal article in Atmosphere (2020) Download
[Repository of commentary pieces on this topic]

Ensemble averaging based assessment of spatiotemporal variations in ambient PM2.5 concentrations over Delhi, India, during 2010–2016
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2020) Download

Examination of monitoring approaches for ambient air pollution: A case study for India
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2019) Download

Indian annual ambient standard is achievable by completely mitigating emissions from household sector
Journal article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019) Download
[Supplementary material for the article]
[Repository of methods and information on household emissions in India]
[Press releases @Hindustan-Times @The-Hindu @UC-Berkeley @Phys.Org]

Particulate matter source contributions for Raipur-Durg-Bhilai region of Chhattisgarh, India
Journal article in Aerosol and Air Quality Research (2019) Download
[Handout – overview of air quality management in Raipur]
[Repository of air quality information for this region]

Air quality, emissions, and source contributions analysis for the Greater Bengaluru region of India
Journal article in Atmospheric Pollution Research (2019) Download
[Repository of air quality information for this region is here]
[Handout – Overview of air quality management in Bengaluru]
[Infograph – Overview of air quality in Bengaluru – PDF]
[Infograph – Overview of meteorology in Bengaluru – PDF]
[Infograph – Overview of average monthly PM2.5 pollution across Bengaluru – PDF]
[Infograph – Overview of monthly source contributions to PM2.5 pollution in Bengaluru – PDF]
[Op-Ed in Citizen Matters on Bengaluru’s air quality monitoring needs (2018)]

Air Pollution knowledge Assessments (APnA) for 20 Indian cities
Journal article in Urban Climate (2019) Download (2nd most downloaded as of 31st May 2019)
[Repository for these cities and more]
[Poster of APnA city program]
[Supplementary Info – Summary of urban meteorology]
[Supplementary Info – Summary of emission and dispersion results]
[Supplementary Info – Summary of source contributions]
[Supplementary Info – India NAMP manual station data for 2011-2015]
[Supplementary Info – India model-satellite-data derived district level PM2.5 for 1998-2016]
[Supplementary Info – APnA city urban airsheds as KML files]
[Supplementary Info – No.of monitors required by state]
[Supplementary Info – No.of monitors required by district]

Applying benefit-cost analysis of air pollution control in the Indian power sector
Journal article in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis (2019) Download
[Repository of information on coal-fired power plants in India]
[2020 best article award by Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis]

Monitoring particulate matter in India: Recent trends and future outlook
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health (2019) Download
[An illustrated note on air monitoring]
[Op-Ed in the WIRE (2017) on India’s air quality monitoring needs]
[A map of required number of monitoring stations by state and by district in India]
[External link – India continuous monitoring network operated by CPCB]
[External link – India NAMP monitoring data by state and by station]
[External link – India Real time AQI by station]
[External link – An independent monitoring network in India by Urban Sciences]
[External link – Open air quality data access by]

Evaluation of particulate pollution and health impacts from planned expansion of coal-fired thermal power plants in India using WRF-CAMx modeling system
Journal article in Aerosols and Air Quality Research (2018) Download
[Repository of information on coal-fired power plants in India]

Quantifying the influence of agricultural fires in northwest India on urban air pollution in Delhi, India
Journal article in Environmental Research Letters (2018) Download

Costs and benefits of installing flue-gas desulfurization units at coal-fired power plants in India
Book Chapter in Disease Control Priorities, Ed. 03, Vol.07, Chapter 13 (2017) Download
[Repository of information on coal-fired power plants in India]

Health assessments of future PM2.5 exposures from indoor, outdoor, and secondhand tobacco smoke concentrations under alternative policy pathways in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Journal article in PLOS one (2017) Download

Anthropogenic fugitive, combustion, and industrial dust is a significant, underrepresented fine particulate matter source in global atmospheric models
Journal article in Environmental Research Letters (2017) Download

Estimates of health impacts and radiative forcing in winter haze in Eastern China through constraints of surface PM2.5 predictions
Journal article in Environmental Science and Technology (2017) Download

To combat air inequality, governments and researchers must open their data
Commentary article in the Clean Air Journal (2016) Download

India leads the way: A health centered strategy for air pollution
Editorial in Environmental Health Perspectives (2016) Download
[Steering committee report by MoHFW, on air pollution and health related issues in India]

Indian emissions of technology linked NMVOCs with chemical speciation: An evaluation of the SAPRC99 mechanism with WRF-CAMx simulations
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2016) Download

Exposure to particulate matter in India: A synthesis of findings and future directions
Journal article in Environmental Research (2016) Download

Survey of ambient air pollution risk assessment tools
Journal article in Risk Analysis (2016) Download

Analysis of size segregated winter season aerosol data from New Delhi, India
Journal article in Atmospheric Pollution Research (2016) Download

On-road PM2.5 pollution exposure in multiple transport microenvironments in Delhi
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2015) Download
[Press cover in the Indian Express]

Assessment of motor vehicle use in three Indian cities
Journal article in Transportation Research Part-D (2015) Download

Role of urban growth, technology, and judicial interventions on vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi for 1991-2014 and 2014-2030 periods
Journal article in Environment Development (2015) Download

Evolution of on-road vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2015) Download
[Press cover in]
[Supplementary Material – Fleet average emission factors for 1990]
[Supplementary Material – Fleet average emission factors for 2000]
[Supplementary Material – Fleet average emission factors for 2030]
[Supplementary Material – Annual emissions, modal shares, and fuel shares for 1990 to 2030]

Health impacts and economic loss assessment of the 2013 severe haze event in Greater Beijing Area
Journal article in Science of the Total Environment (2015) Download

Regulating air pollution from the coal fired power plants in India
Commentary article in Economic and Political Weekly (2015) Download

Benchmarking vehicle and passenger travel characteristics in Delhi for on-road emissions analysis
Journal article in Travel Behaviour and Society (2015) Download
[Press cover in Times of India]
[Press cover in]

An investigation of potential regional and local source regions affecting PM2.5 concentrations in Delhi, India
Journal article in Journal of Air & Waste Management (2015) Download

Particulate and gaseous emissions in two coastal cities – Chennai and Visakhapatnam, India
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health (2015) Download

Nature of air pollution, emission sources, and management in the Indian cities
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2014) Download
[Cover story in India Today]

Atmospheric emissions and pollution from the coal-fired thermal power plants in India
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2014) Download
[Press release from Q&A in Rajya Sabha – Indian Parliament]
[Press release in New York Times]
[Supporting material from the study]

Re-fueling road transport for better air quality in India
Journal article in Energy Policy (2014) Download
[Study results are included in the Planning Commission’s National Transport Policy Committee report]
[Supporting material from the study]
[Press cover in Times of India]
[Press cover in Hindustan Times]

Health benefits of adapting cleaner brick manufacturing technologies in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health (2014) Download

Source emissions and health impacts of urban air pollution in Hyderabad, India
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health (2014) Download

Receptor model based source apportionment of particulate pollution in Hyderabad, India
Journal article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2013) Download

Particulate Pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health (2013) Download

Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2013) Download

Health impacts of particulate pollution in a megacity – Delhi, India
Journal article in Environmental Development (2013) Download
[Award – best research paper in the Journal 2013]
[Press release in the Economist]

A GIS based emissions inventory at 1km x 1km spatial resolution for air pollution analysis in Delhi, India
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2013) Download

Particulate pollution from brick kiln clusters in the Greater Dhaka region, Bangladesh
Journal article in Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health (2013) Download

Application of SIM-air tools to assess air quality in Indian cities
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2012) Download
[Support material from the study]
[Press release in Indian Express, Pune]
[Press release in Times of India, Ahmedabad]
[Press release in Hindustan Times, Indore]
[Press release in DNA India, Rajkot]
[Press release in The Hindu, Chennai]

Air pollution in Delhi
Commentary article in Economic and Political Weekly (2012) Download
[Press release in the Economist]

Role of meteorology in seasonality of air pollution in megacity Delhi, India
Journal article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2012) Download

Contribution of vehicular activity to air pollution in Hyderabad, India: Measurements, Chemistry, and Analysis
Journal article in Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control, Vol.9, No.1 (2009) Download

Clearing the air in Delhi
Feature article in TWAS Newsletter, Vol.21, No.4 (2009) Download

Impacts of Asian megacity emissions on regional air quality during Spring 2001
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2005) Download

Quantifying health benefits of air pollution controls in Shanghai, China
Journal article in Journal of Environmental Management (2004) Download

Impacts of dust on regional tropospheric chemistry during the ACE-Asia experiment: A model study with observations
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2004) Download

Impact assessment of growing Asian megacity emissions
Chapter in Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications XV (2004) Download

Programs to control air pollution and acid rain
Chapter in “Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in Chinaby National Academies Press (2004) Download

Regional chemical weather forecasting system (CFORS): Model description and analysis of surface observations at Japanese island stations during the ACE-Asia experiment
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2003) Download

Evaluating regional emission estimates using the TRACE-P observations
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2003) Download

The contribution of megacities to regional sulfur pollution in Asia
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2003) Download

Urban air pollution and health in China
Journal article in Urban Studies (2002) Download

Transport of air pollution from Asia to North America
Chapter in Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications XIV (2004) Download

Sulfur deposition in Asia: Seasonal behavior and contributions from various energy sectors
Journal article in Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (2001) Download

The episodic nature of air pollution transport from Asia to North America
Journal article in Journal of Geophysical Research (2000) Download

The growing contribution of sulfur emissions from ships in Asian waters 1998-95
Journal article in Atmospheric Environment (2000) Download

Some aspects on the sedimentation of aqueous suspension of Haematite: Determination of the constant rate of sedimentation
Journal article in Indian Chemical Engineer (1998/2003) Download


Overhauling India’s pollution under control (PUC) tests for multipurpose emissions information
SIM-air working paper series #53-3024 Download

Beginners handbook on assembling air pollution models
SIM-air working paper series #52-2024 Download

Fear of the unknown: Communicating air quality information to public and practitioners
SIM-air working paper series #51-2024 Download

Landscape review of air quality modeling in India
SIM-air working paper series #50-2024 Download

How to spot anomalies in data trends: Evaluating AQI data from Indian cities
SIM-air working paper series #49-2024 Download

Data from small monitoring networks is unreliable: Case of Indian cities
SIM-air working paper series #48-2024 Download

Air quality index (AQI) analysis for Indian cities 2015-2023
SIM-air working paper series #47-2024 Download

Air Quality Analysis for Bishkek – PM2.5 Source Apportionment and Emissions Reduction Measures
Technical Report by the World Bank (2023) Download

Air Quality Measurements and Analysis Systems: Global Practices and Approach for India
Technical Report by School of Public Policy (IIT-Delhi, India) and Environment Global Practice (the World Bank, India) (2022) Download

Air Quality Management Plan for Lagos State
Technical Report by the World Bank (2022) Download
[Video 1]  [Video 2]

Bending the Pollution Curve : An Analysis and Prioritization of Pollution Management in Ethiopia
Policy Brief by the World Bank (2022) Download

Bending the Pollution Curve : An Analysis and Prioritization of Pollution Management in Ethiopia
Technical Report by the World Bank (2022) Download

10 frequently asked questions on air quality index (AQI)
SIM-air working paper series #46-2021 Download

Aerosol speciation and meteorology data sets from Delhi supersite study – Jan’17 to Mar’18
SIM-air working paper series #45-2021 Download

10 frequently asked questions on particulate matter (PM)
SIM-air working paper series #44-2021 Download

What it means to take a long view on air pollution in Delhi
SIM-air working paper series #43-2021 Download

The three kinds of people we need to fight India’s air pollution problem
SIM-air working paper series #42-2021 Download

Raw and processed data to support energy, emissions, and air pollution analysis in India
SIM-air working paper series #41-2021 Download

Monitoring ambient air quality in Indian city airsheds
SIM-air working paper series #40-2021 Download
[Supplementary Material]
1. GIS formatted shape file with the grid information of 94 airsheds covering 122 NCAP cities
2. A summary of monthly variation of meteorological fields (a) near surface temperature (b) near surface wind speeds (c) precipitation and (d) mixing heights for all airsheds
3. A summary of pros and cons of source apportionment approaches. More on the approaches is also available as a primer
4. A summary of strengths and limitations of receptor models
5. Recommended number of ambient air quality monitors at district and state level
6. Extracts from CPCB (2011) study of source apportionment in six cities. Full report is available here.

Safe to Breathe? Analyses and Recommendations for Improving Ambient Air Quality Management in Ethiopia
Publication by the World Bank (2021) Download

Air quality trends and lessons learnt in India during the COVID lockdowns
Policy Brief (CCAPC/2020/03) at the Collaborative Clean Air Policy Centre (2020)

Comprehensive clean air action plan for the city of Gaya
Technical report with Bihar State Pollution Control Board, CSTEP, and ADRI (2020) Download

Comprehensive clean air action plan for the city of Muzaffarpur
Technical report with Bihar State Pollution Control Board, CSTEP, and ADRI (2020) Download

How robust are urban India’s clean air plans? An assessment of 102 plans
Technical review report with CEEW (New Delhi, India, 2020) Download
[Repository of state summaries, list of action plans, and infographics]

Accelerating city progress on clean air: Innovation and action guide
Technical review report with Vital Strategies (New York, USA, 2020) Download

Open air quality data: The global state of play
Review report by OpenAQ (Washington DC, USA, 2020) Download

Air Pollution Knowledge Assessments (APnA) city program (2017, 2019)
The program currently covers 60 Indian cities – Agra, Amritsar, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh-Ambala-Patiala, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehra Dun, Indore, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kochi, Ludhiana, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur-Durg-Bhilai, Ranchi, Varanasi, Agartala, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Asansol-Durgapur, Aurangabad, Dharwad-Hubli, Dhanbad-Bokaro, Gaya, Guwahati-Dispur, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Jodhpur, Kolkata-Howrah, Kota, Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai, Nashik, Panjim-Vasco-Margao, Puducherry, Rajkot, Shimla, Srinagar, Surat, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruchirapalli, Vadodara, Vijayawada-Guntur, and Visakhapatnam
[Browse individual city reports @Repository] [Quick look leaflets]
[Summary report (2017)] [Summary report (2019)]
[Summary of monthly concentrations and source contributions by city]
[Poster of APnA city program]
[Journal article (2014) – Nature of air pollution, emission sources, and management in Indian cities]
[Journal article (2019) – Air pollution knowledge assessments for 20 Indian cities]

Comprehensive clean air action plan for the city of Patna
Technical report with Bihar State Pollution Control Board, CSTEP, ADRI, and SSEF (2019) Download
[Press release by ADRI]

Contribution of household air pollution to ambient air pollution in Ghana – Using available evidence to prioritize future action
Policy Brief (HEI/19) by Health Effects Institute (2019) Download

The contribution of household fuels to ambient air pollution in India – A comparison of recent estimates
Policy Brief (CCAPC/2019/01) by the Collaborative Clean Air Policy Centre (2019) Download
[Supporting journal article at PNAS (2019) Download]
[Press releases @Times-of-India ]

Comprehensive air quality forecasting in India using big-data
Box material in Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) 6th Edition by UNEP (2019)
Our program features are detailed as 1-page box material in Chapter.25 – Future Data and Knowledge Needs

Air quality, emissions, and source contributions analysis for the Greater Bengaluru region of India
Technical report by UrbanEmissions.Info (2018) Download
[Handout – overview of air quality management in Bengaluru]
[Repository of air quality information for this region]
[Op-Ed in Citizen Matters on air quality monitoring needs (2018)]

Benefit cost analysis of emission standards for coal-fired thermal power plants in India
Technical report with Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (2018) Download
[Repository of information on coal-fired power plants in India]

Breath Easy Jakarta – Air quality management analysis for the greater Jakarta region
Technical infosheets prepared for the Breathe Easy Jakarta program (2017)
Fact sheet 1: Air quality monitoring
Fact sheet 2: Air quality communication
Fact sheet 3: Emissions inventory
Fact sheet 4: Health impacts
Fact sheet 5: Air quality management actions in Indonesia
Fact sheet 6: Clean air action planning for Jakarta

Coal Kills: Health Impacts of Air Pollution from India’s Coal Power Expansion
Report by and Conservation Action Trust (2014) [Download]
[Press cover in Huffington Post]
[Press cover in Economic Times]
[Press cover in Quartz]
[Press cover in Counterview]
[Cover story in India Today]
[Report discussed in Rajya Sabha (Indian Parliament) during a Q&A session]

Characterizing Patna’s ambient air quality and assessing opportunities for policy intervention
Technical report by (2014) [Download] [SSRN]
[Press Release by SSEF]

Emissions from the brick manufacturing industry
Book Chapter in Dhaka Megacity (2014), Springer Publishers, Chapter 17 Download

Co-Benefits of an Air Quality Management Action Plan for Transport Sector in Hyderabad, India
Book Chapter in Low Carbon Transport in Asia: Strategies for Optimizing Co-benefits, Routledge Publishers, Chapter 6 Download

Bringing Development and Climate Change Together
White Paper by Asian Co-benefits Partnership, IGES, Japan (2014) [Download]

Impact of megacities on air pollution and climate change
Publication by World Meteorological Organization (WMO), GAW Report No.205 (2012) Download

Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone
Publication by UNEP (2011) [Summary to Decision Makers] [Full Report]

Tools for improving air quality management:
A review of top-down source apportionment techniques and their application in developing countries
Publication by the World Bank (2011) Download

A Strategic Approach for Air pollution Reduction in Kathmandu Valley
Policy Brief by Stockholm Environment Institute, York, UK (2009) Download

An Extension of SIM-air for Kathmandu, Nepal, Under the Program for Rapid Evaluation of Air Pollution (PREPair)
Proceedings at Better Air Quality conference (2008) Download

DIESEL – Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land-transport
Publication by the World Bank (2008)Download

Co-Benefits analysis of air pollution and GHG emissions for Hyderabad, India
Report by Integrated Environmental Strategies (IES) Program of U.S.E.P.A, Washington DC, USA (2008) Download

Particulate pollution source apportionment – A case study of Hyderabad, India
Report by Integrated Environmental Strategies (IES) Program of U.S.E.P.A, Washington DC, USA (2007) Download

Urban air pollution analysis for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Publication by the World Bank (2007) [Download Executive Summary]
More details here. Full report is available upon request.

East Asia Environment Monitor – Adapting to Climate Change
Publication by the World Bank (2007) Download

Promoting global environmental priorities in the urban transport sector
Publication by the World Bank (2006) Download

Air pollution and acid rain control in China: Case studies of Shijiazhuang and Changsha
Publication by the World Bank (2003) Download

Urban air quality in Asian megacities – particulate model description and preliminary results for the Greater Seoul area
Publication @ IIASA (1999) Download

Acid deposition and RAINS-Asia
Publication @ CGRER, the University of Iowa (1998) Download

China multi-pollutant emissions mapping activity
Publication @ CGRER, the University of Iowa (1998) Download


Will The Smog Tower Help Delhi’s Air Get Cleaner?
Op-Ed in Outlook India (2021)

Why India must start viewing air pollution and climate change as two sides of the same coin
Op-Ed in Carbon Copy (2021)

10 Reasons Why Indian Cities Continue To Top the World’s ‘Most Polluted’ Lists
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2021)

Clean air plans ready for 102 cities, but no budget
Op-Ed in Citizen Matters (2020)

India: Why was Daytime Ozone Pollution Higher During the Lockdowns?
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

Why We Need to Look Beyond City Limits for Clean Air in Indian Cities
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

Part II: How Did Lockdown 2 Change the Pollution Over India’s Cities?
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

Data Analysis: How Has the Lockdown Changed the Pollution Over North India?
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

Why science isn’t part of the fight against air pollution in India
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

Don’t watch the mouth, watch the hands !
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2020)

An Open Letter to the Supreme Court of India Against Outdoor Air Purifiers
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)

The three kinds of people we need to fight India’s air pollution problem
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)
Download an illustrated version of this article

What can you, the individual, do to fight air pollution
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)

We need to fix household cooking and heating emissions to beat air pollution
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)

UN Environmental report formalises link between health and climate change
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)
[Report – Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) 6th Edition by UNEP]

Bengaluru will not breathe better air even with 44,000 air purifiers
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2019)

Air quality plan in Bengaluru needs more reliable data
Op-Ed in Citizen Matters (2018)

Delhi has a complex air pollution problem
Op-Ed in Hindustan Times (2018) Download
[Infograph summarizing the sector based contributions to Delhi’s air quality (2018)]
[Blog piece on understanding the emissions loads during Diwali in Delhi (2017)]
[Blog piece on what’s polluting Delhi’s air (2016)]
[Infograph investigating the role of emissions and meteorology (2015)]
[3-day air quality forecasts for the Greater Delhi region]

Come Deepavali (Diwali), it’s the explosion of hot air around pollution that hurts us more
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2017)

It’s about time we got smarter about monitoring our air pollution?
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2017)

How do we improve Delhi’s graded responsibility action plan for better air quality
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2017)

A sense of Déjà Vu – How Delhi knew what to do to fix its air pollution in 1997
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2017)

What it means to taking the long view on air pollution in Delhi
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2016)

Why Delhi’s plan for air filters at traffic intersections is a red herring
Op-Ed in the WIRE (2016)

What will it take to make Indian cities environment smart?
Commentary article in India Together (2015)
Infograph with methods to report air quality index (2015) Download

Is banning old vehicles enough to control air pollution in Delhi?
Commentary article in India Together (2014)
Infograph (2015) Download

The polluted air we breathe
Op-Ed in the Hindu (2015) Download

How much do you know about the air you are breathing?
Commentary article in India Together (2014)

Audio & Video

Air pollution in India
Podcast @ Decolonizing Science (2020)

Simple Interactive Models for better air quality
13 instructional videos with concepts and data necessary for conducting integrated air quality management (2020)

Air pollution modeling in India: Insights from a natural experiment
Podcast @ Atmospheric Tales (2020)

The natural experiment
Podcast @ 99% Invisible (2020)

Podcast @ Peak Planet (2019)

Reference Notes

A blog piece on can We Benefit from Blaming Meteorology for Air Pollution Problems? (2024)

A blog piece on fear of the unknown: communicating air quality information to public and practitioners (2024)

A blog piece on landscape review of air quality modeling in India (2024)

A primer on ABC’s of air quality (2024)

A resource blog of what is particulate matter – frequently asked questions (2024)

A primer on know your air pollutants (2023)

A primer (in English) on air pollution monitoring (2023)

A primer (in Hindi) on air pollution monitoring (2023)

A primer (in Telugu) on air pollution monitoring (2023)

A primer (in Chinese) on air pollution monitoring (2023)

A primer (in Spanish) on air pollution monitoring (2023)

A primer (in Bengali) on air pollution monitoring (2023) (unedited)

A primer (in Marathi) on air pollution monitoring (2023) (unedited)

A primer (in Punjabi) on air pollution monitoring (2023) (unedited)

A blog piece on why the idea of using filters for cleaning outdoor air pollution is crazy (2020)

A data blog on gridded population of India for 2011-2050 (2020)

A resource blog on energy, emissions, and air pollution analysis in India (2020)

A resource blog on how to access air quality monitoring data in India (2020)

A resource blog on instructions, concepts, and data necessary for conducting integrated air quality management (2020)

A resource blog on power plants in India (2020)

An illustrated note on 3 kinds of people we need to fight air pollution problem (2020)

A data blog to visualize and download district average meteorological parameters (2020)

A data blog on Mumbai’s air quality during COVID19 lockdowns (2020)

A data blog on India’s air quality during COVID19 lockdowns (2020)

A blog piece on India’s National Clean Air Program (NCAP), city action plans (2019)

A blog piece on WHO’s outdoor PM2.5 database for India (2018)

A 101 style illustrated note on air pollution monitoring (2018)

A blog piece on understanding Diwali emission loads (2017)

An infographic on Delhi’s pollution – emission benefits of odd/even (2016)

An infographic on why we need to model air pollution (2016)

A blog piece on what’s polluting Delhi’s air (2016)

An infographic on Delhi’s pollution – is it the emissions or the meteorology (2015)

A primer on composing wet waste (2011)

A primer on pollution source apportionment (2011)

A primer on air quality of management (2008)

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