Data Resource Links for Energy, Emissions & Air Pollution Analysis in India

SIM-air Working Paper SeriesHere we present a repository of data resources with information directly relevant for energy, emissions, and pollution analysis in India (click on the link or scroll down)

  1. Official national and state level portals (here)
  2. Guidelines, acts, standards, and rules documents (here)
  3. All relevant resources for India’s NCAP program (here)
  4. Ambient air quality monitoring (here)
  5. Satellite retrievals and tools (here)
  6. Global and regional health impact analysis and tools (here)
  7. Compiled statistics, maps, and other geospatial databases (here)
  8. Compiled databases on energy, emissions, meteorology, and reanalysis fields (here)

This list was last updated in January 2024. Click on the image to download all the links as a PDF working paper.

Air Quality Modelling Tools

  • Example calculators for emissions and pollution modeling, including methods to build supporting information [download here]
  • Instructional and informational videos (view here)

Official portals

India NCAP ReviewActs and Rules

  • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, amended 1987
    • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1982
    • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983
  • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules thereunder
  • National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards, amended 2009

Environmental Standards

Energy, Emissions and Air Pollution Analysis Resource Links National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)

  • Documents
    • Draft NCAP proposal (2018)
    • Final NCAP proposal (2019)
    • City by city approved action plans are available here or here
    • A review of the 102 approved action plans – conducted by Urban Emissions and CEEW, July 2020. Final publication here.
    • A review of 10 approved action plans – conducted by NRDC, January 2020
  • Portals
    • Portal for regulation of air pollution in non-attainment cities (PRANA)
    • NCAP budget and pollution tracker (by CarbonCopy)
  • Resource material
    • Main NCAP data portal (here)
    • List of non-attainment cities and designated airsheds (here)
    • A review of the approved action plans (here)
    • Ambient monitoring needs for each of the designated airsheds (here)
    • Database of (GIS) road lines and road density information by airsheds (here)
    • Database of urban built-up area shares by airshed (here)
    • Database of TROPOMI S5P satellite’s 2019-2023 NO2 extracts for the airsheds (here)
    • Database of TROPOMI S5P satellite’s 2019-2023 SO2 extracts for the airsheds (here)
    • Database of TROPOMI S5P satellite’s 2019-2023 O3 extracts for the airsheds (here)
    • Database of TROPOMI S5P satellite’s 2019-2023 HCHO extracts for the airsheds (here)
    • Database of reanalyzed monthly average 2m-temperature for 1980-2023 (here)
    • Database of reanalyzed monthly average precipitation rate for 1980-2023 (here)

Ambient Air Monitoring

  • 101 style blog piece on air monitoring in India
  • Guidelines and technical specifications
    • 2003 – guidelines for ambient air monitoring
    • 2015 – technical specifications for continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations (CAAQMS)
    • 2018 – technical specifications for continuous emissions monitoring (CEMS)
  • Number of monitoring states recommended by state and by district (based on the guidelines published by CPCB, 2003)
  • National Ambient Monitoring Program (NAMP) – manual monitoring network operated and maintained by CPCB, India
  • Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (CAAQMS) – real-time monitoring network operated and maintained by CPCB, India
  • Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) – real-time emissions and effluent monitoring data for 17 categories of Industries and common facilities (link)
  • System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR) – real-time monitoring network operated and maintained by IITM, Pune, India
  • A global summary of outdoor ambient air quality data by WHO (2018)
  • – aggregator and harmonizer of real-time and historical air quality data from official
    (government) reference-grade data and air sensor data worldwide (information on how to access data is here)
  • IQair – aggregator of official and unofficial data across the globle
  • – aggregator of official real-time monitoring data in India
  • AirVeda – unofficial network of low-cost sensors
  • – unofficial network of low-cost sensors
  • Purple Air – unofficial network of low-cost sensors
  • Clarity – unofficial network of low-cost sensors
  • Full resource links with illustrations

Health Impact Analysis

  • Visualization portal for 1990-2018 global burden of disease estimates (IHME-GBD)
    • Resource links to methodology and inputs
  • Visualization portal for State of the Global Air (SOGA) by Health Effects Institute (HEI)
  • India state-level disease burden initiative by ICMR and PHFI (2019)
    • State-level reports (PHFI)
  • Burden of disease attributable to major sources of air pollution in India (GBDMAPS-India) by HEI
  • Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) by U.Chicago
  • Health impacts analysis tools
    • Household Air Pollution Intervention Tool (HAPIT)
    • Air pollution health effects online tool by TERI
    • CO-Benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) health impacts screening and mapping tool by USEPA
    • Environmental BENefits MAPping and analysis program (BENMAP) by USEPA
    • AirCounts tool by Abt Associates
    • Tool for health risk assessment of air pollution – AirQ+ by WHO
    • FAst Scenario Screening Tool (FASST) by EU
    • Greenhouse gas – Air pollution INteractions and Synergies (GAINS) by IIASA
    • The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning – Integrated Benefits Calculator (LEAP-IBC) by SEI
    • Simple Internative Models for better air quality (SIM-air) by Urban Emissions

Compiled statistics

Compiled GIS data and maps

  • Community created maps of India by datameet
  • Openstreetmaps (GIS)
  • (GIS)
  • Global Human Settlements (GHS) – urban built areas
  • Land cover data 1992-2015 (ESA)
  • Open buildings database (Source Coop)
  • Nightlights database (Earth Obs Group)
  • SHRUG database (link)
  • Gridded Population
    • Global database GPW from SEDAC
    • Global database Landscan from ORNL
    • India database for 2011-2050 at 0.25° resolution from Urban Emissions

Compiled energy databases

  • India energy dashboard by Niti Aayog
  • India Energy Security Scenarios (IESS) by Niti Aayog
  • GHG Platform India (GPI) by multiple agencies
  • International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Greenhouse gas – Air pollution INteractions and Synergies (GAINS) by IIASA

Compiled emission databases

  • MIX regional emissions database for Asia
  • REAS regional emissions database for Asia
  • EDGAR global emissions inventory
  • CAMS global emissions inventory
  • ECCAD global compilation of emissions and ancillary data
  • SAFAR India emissions inventory by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology  (contact)
  • SMoG-India emissions inventory by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • OMI-HTAPv2.2 SO2 global emissions inventory 2005-2019 (NASA)
  • Greenhouse gas – Air pollution INteractions and Synergies (GAINS) by IIASA
  • MEGAN global biogenic emissions
  • Forest and agricultural fires
    • Fire emissions Inventory from NCAR (FINN) by UCAR
    • Global fire emissions database (GFED)
    • Global fire emissions database (IS4FIRES)
    • Blended global fire emissions database (GBBEPx V3) by NOAA
    • Global quick fire emissions database (QFED) by NASA
    • Global fire assimilation system (GFAS) by ECMWF

Compiled modeled reanalysis fields

  • MOZART global model by UCAR
  • CAM-chem global community earth system model by UCAR
  • CAMS global reanalysis model by ECMWF
  • MERRA-2 global reanalysis model by NASA [link]
  • SAANS India reanalysis model by IIT-Delhi
  • Daily PM2.5 concentrations 2018-2023 by Stanford U [link]
  • Global PM2.5 reanalysis by WUSTL for 1998-2022

Compiled meteorological fields

  • Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)
  • Climate Explorer by KNMI for stationwise data
  • NCEP global reanalysis fields (long-term achives)
  • Global Forecast System (GFS) fields (short-term archives)
  • Windy (open visualization portal)
  • Earth Nullschool (open visualization portal)
  • Compiled meteorological data for Indian districts (from Urban Emissions)


  • Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)
  • Annual reports by MOSPI
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Steel
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Mines
  • Annual reports by the Cement Manufacturers Association
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Textiles
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Coal
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
  • Annual reports by the Department of Heavy Industry
  • Annual reports by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy
  • Annual reports by the Department of Fisheries
  • Annual reports by the Department of Pharmaceuticals
  • Annual reports by the Department of Chemical and Petro-chemicals

Power Plants

Transport (road)

  • National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC) report – Moving India to 2032
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
  • Annual reports by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
  • Urban transport reports by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
  • AMRUT/JNNURM city development reports
  • Smart Cities Mission – city development reports
  • Google directions API for traffic speeds (paid service)
  • Tom Tom traffic index (paid service)
  • Vehicle challan count at toll plazas across India (2020-22) [link]
  • Delhi GTFS public bus transport location and speed information [link]

Transport (rail, aviation, and shipping)

  • Shipping – full resource links
  • Aviation global emissions inventory by EDGAR
  • Departures and arrivals information by AirSewa
  • Railway train schedules
  • Departures and arrivals information by flightstats (paid service)
  • Cargo tonnage by rail and aviation by (paid service)

Residential cooking and heating

Open waste burning

  • Global trash burning emissions inventory by UCAR
  • waste management in India (database)
  • Gridded open waste burning emissions in India (2019)

Satellite feeds

  • Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) series
    • RAPID portal to visualize real-time INSAT products (IMD, Delhi)
    • Satellite derived PM2.5 (by ISRO, Dehradun)
    • Radar maps (IMD, Delhi)
    • Customized satellite maps for the Indian Subcontinent (IMD, Delhi)
  • Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) – hourly air quality over East Asia and part Indian Subcontinent (new)
  • Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) (new)
  • Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) – NO2, SO2, Ozone, HCHO, and CH4
  • Active fire counts database from VIIRS satellite
  • Active burned area product from MODIS satellite
  • Fires visualization portal by NASA
  • ACE-FTS and MAESTRO – 50+ gaseous species
  • Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO)
  • Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME-2) – total column SO2, O3, NO2, and cloud parameters
  • Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) – CO and CH4
  • Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) – Ozone
  • Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) – near real time SO2, O3, and AOD
  • Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
    • near real time Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
    • Leaf Area Index (LAI) data sets were generated by reprocessing the MODIS version 6 LAI products for 2000 to 2019at multiple resolutions
  • Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) – multiple gases
  • Optical Spectograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS) – O3 and NO2
  • Multi-angle Imaging Spectrometer (MISR) – dust storms and aerosols
  • Global Precipitation Measurements (GPM)
  • Data centers and access methods
    • World Data Center (WDC)
    • Earth Data (NASA)
    • Data access methods (NASA)
    • Copernicus open access hub (ESA)
    • Aura Validation Data Center (AVDC, NASA)
    • The Wisconsin Horizontal Interpolation Program for Satellites (WHIPS)
    • Atmospheric Tool Box (ATB) for Sentinel-5P products
    • Google Earth Engine (GEE) for Sentinel-5P products

Visit our Air Pollution knowledge Assessments (APnA) city program page.